21 June 2008

Your dog is part of the family and equally deserves pampering when he or she visits Daylesford.

If you are looking for a very special animal therapy treatment for your dog while you are in Daylesford - this is for you!

Pamela Werner of Pooch Pampering in Daylesford is a fully qualified Canine Myofunctional Therapist and specialises in massage for dogs and included in the doggie massage is reflexology on your dog's paws (they LOVE it!).
Dogs like their owners suffer from:
    • Tired aching muscles

    • Joint pain

    • Back pain

    • Sleep disorders

    • Stress

But unlike us they cannot tell us just how much pain they are in.

Your dog could be experiencing unnecessary pain and you will only know if a qualified massage therapist treats your dog.

Pooch Pampering of Daylesford can help your dog with a loving body massage and paw reflexology session resulting in a pooch who moves with greater ease and who is in a lot less pain.

Pamela’s Daylesford Dog Massage Service specialising in Canine Myofunctional Therapy will offer a mobile dog massage service in the greater Daylesford region servicing local clients as well as the tourists who are staying in dog friendly accommodation.

Yes, your dog doesn’t even have to leave the comfort of your accommodation, Pamela will come to you!

The service is very personal and directed at the dogs needs at the time of the treatment.

This service is available to all breeds at any age of their development.

Working one on one with the dog and with the owner present Pamela’s service includes:

    • Hands on therapy (no machines used)

    • Recording a full case history of the dogs health

    • Canine Myofunctional Massage for one hour

    • Gentle stretching during the one hour treatment where applicable

    • Dietary advice and suggestions

    • Reflexology on paws

    • Suggestions for the ongoing care and rehabilitation of the dog given to the owner at the end of the treatment.
Did you know Daylesford is known for it's pet friendly accommodation?

If you are holidaying with your dog or travelling with a dog then Pamela personally knows many of the owners of pet friendly accommodation and is always happy to recommend somewhere for your pooch to stay and be pampered, along with its human family too.

Please contact Pamela Werner
Ph: (03) 5348 1635 Mob: 0408 938 437 or email

The photos left is of the cockatoo's who come to visit in the trees right beside Pamela's house - she looks out over the Hepburn Reserve and these cheeky visitors often pop by to see what is on offer.